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Opportunity Knocks at Fincon22

Opportunity Knocks Takes the Main Stage at #FINCON2022, September 7-9

What do Opportunity Knocks and FinCon have in common? They share the goal to reach millions with a positive money message.

"We are excited to take the Opportunity Knocks message to #FinCon22. Purpose Driven TV is the future of money and media!"

The Opportunity Knocks team is thriled to share that stars Patrice Washington and Jean Chatzky (attending remotely) will premier a clip of the series on the #FinCon2022 mainstage on Thursday, September 8.

Patrice will be joined by fellow series star Jean Chatzky, show creator Jamie Strayer, and director Brian Spoor on Friday for the F#C22 breakout session - The Power of Reality Television to Change Financial Outcomes.

Tune In

The Opportunity Knocks team will provide live updates. Follow us @oppknockstv on LinkedIn, Twitter, FaceBook and Instagram.


There is still time to register to attend #Fincon2022. The schedule is dynamic.


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